Day 94: Life Happens on the Corner

Day 94: Life Happens on the Corner

Have you ever sat on the corner for a few hours during the day? Life is really happening there! You see everything from people arguing, coming and going and coming again, walking their dogs and just hanging around. What is everyone doing? Each and every one of them is wrapped up in their own world and happenings, so what does it mean to just sit for awhile and watch it all go by?At the Corner of Via del Pigneto8×6″Oil on Panel© Kelly Medford, 2012This is a great neighborhood, a lively one in fact. The colors of the buildings and towering pines tell the whole story.I was sure I was going to paint in another location, but when I got there I just couldn’t find “the painting”. So I pressed on, circling a few blocks. When I saw this truck and the bright white with the pine tree and the no enter sign it just looked like a painting to me. “This one is too complicated,” I immediately told myself. Oh well, I tried not to anticipate that too much and got to work. Only a few minutes later the car I was painting next to needed to get out, leaving me more room to paint, I felt that it was my lucky day and gave me plenty of room for my set up.I encountered the usual characters, including one who invited me over after I was finished painting. He rents an apartment to an American as well and really wanted us to meet. I said that I was sorry that today I really didn’t have time to stop by as I’m preparing for a trip and just had too much to do.  Maybe next time, I know I will be back here to paint.Pigneto is the name of this neighnorhood and I’ve written about and painted it before. Here I expect an old Roman character from a 50’s film to come strolling out from around the corner, except in black and white like an old Pasolini film.It’s full of life and character here and I don’t know how much this little painting of the street corner tells about life here except a moment in time one summer afternoon.You can buy today’s painting here from my website for $120.Thanks so much for following the 120 day project!