Day 95: Take It Easy

Day 95: Take It Easy

Of course it wasn’t me who was staying in bed late this morning, I wish. Those times are since long gone.Summer for a plein air painter means jumping out of bed at 6 raring to go. The sun is up and already I’m running through my mental files of where to paint, places I’ve seen and what time of day the light is best.Late Morning in Bed8×6″Oil on Panel© Kelly Medford, 2012I couldn’t resist painting this for the triangular pattern created by the light and shadow. Plus this place- only in Rome does your bedroom live in a place like this.Some friends let me come and paint at their house, which is always nice. It’s great to have a bathroom, water and to be able to relax instead of being on the alert to jump out of the way of swerving cars, crazy mopeds and overly excited dogs.Summer time is my absolute favorite time for painting in Rome for the hot warm light we have here. Maybe this winter I’ll sleep late.You can buy today’s painting here from my website for $120.—————————————————————————————Today I wanted to share something else exciting with you…Today Art Smart Blog featured me and my life painting in Rome on their blog. I’m thrilled and honored that Marilyn of Art Smart took the time to interview me, post some of my work and talk about how I came to paint in Rome.I know you guys already know all about me, but definitely check out the blog. Marilyn is a talented artist and a genius art historian who even leads art history trips. This fall she will be leading a group to Paris, how exciting!You can see Art Smart Blog and the interview with me here. 

  • Anonymous

    July 20, 2012 at 12:22 pm

    is that plein air?
    i am very impressed. likeable, unpretentious and uncommon views should be the name of your blog.

    • Kelly Medford

      July 20, 2012 at 9:18 pm

      Thanks so much for your comments. I’m really flattered. Everything I paint is done entirely on location and I paint what my eye goes to, like light and shadows. I like to keep it simple when I can, that seems most manageable to me. Thanks got following the blog.

  • Joan T

    July 20, 2012 at 3:18 pm

    I love the shadow and light in this!!! The interview was great and I learned a few things about you and now I want your life! lol

  • Kelly Medford

    July 20, 2012 at 9:19 pm

    Ha ha, that’s great Joan! Come and paint anytime in Rome, the invitation is always open.