Day 97: All is Quiet

Day 97: All is Quiet

I keep expecting to see tumbleweeds blowing through parts of the city these days, all is quiet. Most people have left on holiday, gone to the sea or gone anwhere else just to get out of the desperately hot city.Not me, I’m excited to have the chance to ride my bike in less traffic and stalk the usually crowded places, taking advantage of being able to paint them without the crowds.Market, Largo Prerestrello8×6″Oil on Panel© Kelly Medford, 2012This was a different painting for me. Not colorwise- I love those bright colors! But in composition, this was a tricky one.The wind was really whipping up this afternoon and the white cloth blowing around is really what caught my eye. I debated quite a bit over whether or not I could turn this into a little painting, so I finally said, why not? Let’s try.I adore this miniture market, even if it is a little lonely. It’s at the corner of my street and sad to say, I’ve never shopped here. The stalls are those little metal boxes that open and close and this green one is covered in graffiti. I wanted to capture a small slice of something in my neighborhood, I love where I live. It’s an ethnically diverse neighborhood with mostly working class people. There is a mix of high rise apartment buildings and small houses with gardens. It has a sort of piece meal feel and you can tell that it was built over different periods of time and backs right up to what was once the countryside.You can buy today’s painting here on my website for $120.Thanks so much for your support in the project- all of your comments and feedback are inspiring!