Day 104: Learning to Draw (Again!)

Day 104: Learning to Draw (Again!)

Is the process of learning to draw ever over? No, of course not. Of course it’s gets easier over time with countless hours of practice and understanding.Drawing these winding alley with their meaning roof lines is enough to make me bow down in praise of all painters who came before me making this look like a piece of cake.I just love the shapes and colors, the winding roofs and flowers, shadows, windows; all of it put together in this particular way and then accented by those dark under roof lines is what I think of when I think of Italy.Quiet Morning Alley, Monti8×6″Oil on Panel© Kelly Medford, 2012This neighborhood called Monti is one of the oldest parts of Rome and has a fascinating history. Today I felt lucky to have my Roman friend and amazing watercolor artist, Sonia Cipollari to paint with and since she is Roman I got a local’s perspective on the place.When she was a teenager she used to hang out here. The neighborhood wasn’t as manicured as it is now. In fact was the part of town where all the brothels were and where the punk rock kids hung out and took over an old school as their squat. All of that has since changed and now the place could bowl you over with its picturesque scenes of vines climbing up buildings and little winding alleys and the main square with the fountain where everyone gathers at lunch time to eat and talk.This was a challenge, especially on such a tiny canvas! I need to practice these buildings constantly, to keep learning to see the perspective and curves and light and shadow. You can buy this painting here from my website for $120I just want to thank you all for your wonderful comments, emails and support. I’m so happy that you’re follwing the project- it’s great to hear from you!

  • Helen K. Beacham Fine Art

    July 11, 2012 at 11:49 pm

    Kelly, since you mentioned the size of the canvas as being a challenge, it made me think that I’m sure you’re right! I am a big-canvas-painter (for the most part) and little ones just don’t find their way onto my easel very often. And I know you enjoyed having company today!

  • Kelly Medford

    July 12, 2012 at 10:04 am

    Ha ha, thanks for your comments Helen. I think what’s next for me after the small daily paintings is to work towards larger and more complicated canvas. These small ones are great for studying light and shadow and small intimate moments. I just need to keep this in mind. Happy painting!