Day 113: Looking Into Shadows

Day 113: Looking Into Shadows

I won’t bore you today with stories of the heat or sweating today.Today’s relief was found in the shadows.Garden Shadows6×8″Oil on Panel© Kelly Medford, 2012I have an entire mental file folder full of particular things, light effects and places that I want to paint and this was one of them.This is our little garden where my studio is. I have painted here a few times but in the summer there is this particular light effect which I love with the dappled light coming through the vine overhead.What I wanted to achieve with this painting was the strong feeling of the shade receeding and the light popping out (as it does in real life).I almost got this one, I think I might try this again as an exercise in getting the values just right- that is what makes this painting- getting the lights and darks to relate to each other just right so that the plants stay back there in the shade and the objects in the light come forward.That’s the good thing about this project. It creates the opportunity to start going through the mental file and try new paintings that I can learn from.

If you like this painting, you  can see it or buy it here from my website for $120.

Thanks so much for all of your wonderful comments and for your interest in the 120 day project!

  • Sue Pownall

    July 3, 2012 at 4:57 am

    I like this for the great depth of shadows, however I find the white stick on the right a bit too ‘loud’ and it draws the eye. Love the colours throughout the painting though.

  • Kelly Medford

    July 4, 2012 at 7:12 pm

    You’re right, also the photo leaves much to be desired in communicating the painting. This one is definately a redo- upcoming..