Day 115: It’s Complicated

Day 115: It’s Complicated

As in all relationships, sometimes things get a little complicated.I’m just being silly, sort of, but what I mean to say is that today, well, I really didn’t feel like painting. I felt tired and like taking it easy or hanging out with friends, or just not working really, but luckily that wasn’t an option. Have you ever experienced this resistence? It made me paint slower than usual and really I needed to be on my best game today because I wanted to attend an early exhibition opening this evening, so I had the feeling that the pressure was on.Then I chose this complicated scene. I imagine you can see why, it’s a place that given the opportunity to paint it, it’s not to be passed up. Even though I was tired today, I was still up for trying a challenging scene.

Saturday on the Terrace, Florence19×23 cmOil on PanelI’m assuming it’s just the heat that’s got me all resisting and a little tired, I’m assuming it will pass tomorrow. The same lessons so far seem to present themselves over and over, this one especially; working when you don’t feel like it. But it’s more than that, it’s giving it your all when you don’t have it in you.In a conversation with a friend the other day we talked about really giving 100% to our work- does anybody really do that? Sure they do and they stand out and are most likely very successful. Did I do that today? No I didn’t and I wasn’t left 100% satisfied with my results. What was missing that I was not giving? Is it as simple as just pushing harder? Or is it finding a way to relax even when I feel under pressure?I’ve been thinking all evening before sitting down to write the newsletter, about what Ican learn or take away from this painting today to improve either technically or even on an emotional level.To tell the truth I don’t have an answer yet, but I am going to sleep on it and tell you tomorrow. You can tell me what you see and spark some dialogue, offer your thoughts.

What do you do when you’re dragging but need to do your best? How do you handle it? All in all, I think that there are several successful things about the painting and I like the feel of the flower pots and the hot air behind as well as the empty chair with the yellow pillow. I wanted to tell about this place, I liked the idea of the empty chair and of course everyone knows this place as Florence with the duomo in the background. What I loved about this scene were the colors, especially the blues with the reds.If you like today’s painting, you can see it or buy it here on my website.Thank you for following 120 days of painting!
  • Sue Pownall

    July 1, 2012 at 11:36 pm

    I’ve learnt that forcing it doesn’t work and I get more disillusioned the harder I try. I take a rest day or two, as I see from your next post you have.

    Saturday’s sketching was difficult and 3 of the sketches I’m unhappy with but hey that’s life.

    One hundred percent a 100% of the time I think is impossible, that’s what makes us human.

  • Kelly Medford

    July 2, 2012 at 9:38 am

    Yes, well put. Forcing just makes things more difficult, you’re right. Rest is essential (mental and physical).

    I guess you know as well as anyone that sometimes you work and have to let it go, hoping that the next will come through.

    Happy sketching!