Day 117: Life IS Beautiful in Arezzo

Day 117: Life IS Beautiful in Arezzo

Arezzo is a fabulous town, you know the town where they filmed Life is Beautiful with Roberto Benigni? Well, in person life IS beautiful here.While I was tempted to paint in the main square or on a side street, the sun was boiling this morning and we got tempted to walk higher and higher until we reached the top of the town and this park which overlooks the entire valley  next to the main Cathedral provided us with some much needed shade and a cool(ish) breeze.Parco Il Prato, Arezzo7×12″Oil on Panel(c) Kelly Medford, 2012I was immediately struck by the dappled light in this little avenue of shade trees. The effect of the light and shade was so strong that I new I needed to try and paint it, this was something different than the other cityscapes and landscapes I’ve been attempting.I loved not only the dappled light on the ground, but also seeing the blue of the far away hill through the brown trees- this were the main ideas of the painting that I attempted to capture.You can see this painting or purchase it here for $120 on my website.Just a few more days of Tuscany before I head home to Rome- I’m looking forward to see what tomorrow brings…