Painting the Town, Painting Up a Storm

Painting the Town, Painting Up a Storm

This week is exciting! Together with 27 painters I am participating in an event called “Paint the Town” in Bradenton, Florida.

It kicked off with what is called a quick draw this past Saturday at the farmer’s market on Old Main Street. It was exciting, and not just for the artists, but even for the vendors and shoppers at the market. Everyone got into it. How it worked was all the artists had 3 hours to paint on the street where the market was happening. We all got there early to scope out our spots and at 9 a.m. sharp the screech of the whistle blew and the painting began. We had 3 hours to come up with a painting and usually I would feel like 3 hours is more than enough time.

The light outdoors changes so fast that really it’s hard to keep working any longer unless it’s just to refine and tighten up the painting. This time was another story. This had to be one of the most difficult paintings I’ve attempted, or maybe it was just the “race” atmosphere (and the fact that it was a competition with only one prize- first!).

Whatever the case was, I drew in the composition and started working, not putting the little dots of the people until the end when I just had to face the fact that there was a sea of people, that when I squinted my eyes at them, none of these dots of color stayed still for even a second, they just kept bouncing around, disappearing and reappearing. Here is the final painting.


Old Main Street, Bradenton Farmer’s Market
Oil on Linen Panel

Wow, I learned a lot from this and I’m grateful for the experience, it really pushed me to resolve a painting I may have never attempted or may have never fully finished. I loved the excitement and as the whistle blew again 3 hours later I was satisfied knowing I gave it my best shot. And the winning painting was a fabulous street scene by Wisconsin artist Jason Prigge. Here he his posing with his winning painting on the easel.



You can learn more about Jason and see his work here on his website.What a great event, in fact all the paintings were fabulous! It was fascinating to see each artists’ interpretation of the market and it was a good time had by all.The final exhibition for our week of “Paint the Town Bradenton” will be held at Art Center Manatee this coming Thursday in Bradenton from 5-7 p.m. If you are in the area I hope that you will take the chance to stop by to see the work and meet the artists, I think that there are going to be some gorgeous paintings!



  • Joan T

    April 13, 2012 at 2:34 pm

    I took part in a paint out last year, but we didn’t have moving people to include. You did a great job on this!

  • Sue Pownall

    April 13, 2012 at 4:18 pm

    What fun! You did well.

  • Kelly Medford

    April 23, 2012 at 12:45 pm

    Thanks Joan and Sue for your comments. Joan, sorry not to have seen you there this year- maybe next year? It really was fun and a good challenge!