A Little Bit of Lemon

A Little Bit of Lemon

Lemon Halves8×10″Oil on Panel© Kelly Medford, 2012More lemons, I know. My friend and wonderful mosaic artist got me on a lemon kick, after mentioning that she would like to see me paint some of these.I just couldn’t resist the bold primaries again, they’re so wildly vibrant, adding some color to the end of winter.It’s raining and cold again, so you just might see a few more of these before summer kicks in. I’m having fun and maybe I’ll try some tamer colors, something a little more subtle next, if for nothing else, for the love and celebration of vairety and endless possibilities.If you like this painting, you can buy it by clicking here.

  • Sue Pownall

    March 8, 2012 at 11:21 am

    I like the vibrancy of this. Subtler hmmm

  • Kelly Medford

    March 8, 2012 at 2:46 pm

    ha ha ha, subtler shouldn’t be too hard, right?!
    we’ll see what happens. right now I am finishing up some cityscapes and then next week will get to paint more lemons!

    Thanks for your comments Sue.