Happy Holidays! In Praise of Abundance

Happy Holidays! In Praise of Abundance

Winter Clementines5.5×9″Oil on Panel(c) Kelly Medford, 2011Upon returning to Rome, I was reminded of all that I am thankful for, when the clementine tree was just drooping over the studio shed, loaded with these gorgeous sweet fruits!It’s been a slow transition, as my easel has broken beyond all repair! So while I wait for Santa (aka the post man) to bring me a new shiny one, I’ve been enjoying cleaning the studio and getting out around town to see what others are up to this time of year. The weather is beautiful- clear and sunny, but it is cold, especially after getting used to that Florida sun. Well, I’ll take the sun and a little break while I wait for my fabulous new easel.A Merry Christmas and Happy Chanukah to all of you and may you spend these days relaxing with friends, family and those that are most important to you, enjoying the opportunity to take a break and be grateful.I wish you blessings, joy and abundance on this holiday season!If you like this painting, you can bid on it here on my daily paintworks auction site.

  • Carol Schiff Studio

    January 4, 2012 at 12:12 pm

    Gorgeous painting! The color really drew me in.

    Rome is my favorite city, I so envy the experiences you must be having there.

  • Kelly Medford

    January 4, 2012 at 12:21 pm

    Hi Carol and thank you for your comments! Yes, I love living in Rome and you know what the color of the city is like, fabulous and varied!
    Actually I’m organizing painters to come and paint together in Oct, 2013, if you’re interested send me your email and I’ll add you to the list!
    Thanks again for reading and Happy New Year!