Sun on the Dock, Lake Gertrude

Sun on the Dock, Lake Gertrude

Sun on the Dock, Lake Gertrude8×6″Oil on Panel(c) Kelly Medford 2011Here’s a little painting also painted this week in Mt. Dora that was not entered in the exhibition (each artist could only choose 3 paintings to enter). This was a lovely afternoon on a little lake just on the outskirts of town. After painting in town and talking to the passersby, hearing that cross walk signal beep all morning long and the general noise of traffic, this painting was a much welcome moment of afternoon peace.There must have been a million little paintings in this town, what to choose? This one caught the attention of friend and fellow painter Susie Covert as we got a little lost just driving around looking for our next painting spot. And what a great spot indeed. I wouldn’t mind living on this little lake- each person had their own dock, boat and even little sandy plot of beach. A little piece of heaven.If you like this painting, you can bid on it here at my Daily Paintworks site. 

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