Mt. Dora Mania

Mt. Dora Mania

Sunset on the Point, Lake Dora8×6″Oil on Panel(c) Kelly Medford, 2011This is one of 3 paintings I will enter in Mt. Dora’s exhibition coming up this Friday. To get 3 paintings worthy of exhibiting I had to paint at least double that and it was a great and intense 3 days of painting- this town has so much to offer the plein air painter.We got off on an awkward note, though. As we arrived Sunday evening and set up at the end of a dock overlooking the lake, we hurried as the sun really goes down fast these days. I turned to go and get my canvas, when SPLAAAASH! my easel leg gave way and took a headlong dive straight into the lake! Luckily the box was still closed and my easel is made of wood so it floated a minute before starting to sink and I was able to grab it. No harm done, it all dried off in the setting sun and we set to work.Finishing up the painting I heard a bit of commotion and turning to see there was an entire wedding procession having the wedding party photographed with the setting sun, it was a great place for a wedding and hopefully they didn’t get any under dressed painters in their picture perfect photographs.It was a funny start to an intense 3 days. We painted lakeside, roadside and even in an alley way, the town was rich with subject matter and I’m looking forward to Friday’s exhibition.If you’re in central Florida, I encourage you to come out and join us. The reception will be at Mt. Dora Center for the Arts on 5th Ave from 6 to 8 p.m. Can’t wait to see you there!