Fall Colors

Fall Colors

Cypress and Tulip Poplar, Fall at Brookside Gardens8×10″Oil on Canvas Panel(c) 2011, Kelly MedfordI can’t tell you how exciting it is to be able to paint the fall colors this year. The choices are almost overwhelming- everywhere I turn it’s color, color and more color!I don’t have a lot of experience painting these fall colors, but they do seem to require a bit of reckless abandon, at least that’s my way of thinking about it. While the light is always changing outside, the colors seem to be changing as well. There are spots of bright that jump out when I didn’t seem them before and it got me all excited while painting.This is a gorgeous botanical garden in surburban Maryland which I found thanks to a friend’s recommendation. It was hard to choose a spot, but I was so attracted to the big reds, yellows and greens, that I went for this tall stand of trees.Fall this year, at least in Washington, D.C. is truly spectacular and I’m honored to have the chance to try my hand at it.If you like this painting and want to buy it, you can bid on it here at my Daily Paintworks site. Join the bidding game, it’s fun!