Fall on Asha’s Farm

Fall on Asha’s Farm

October Barn, Westtown8×10″Oil on Linen mounted on board(c) 2011 Kelly MedfordFall, what a painting delight! I had the opportunity to visit with some friends who just bought a farm in upstate New York, and what a fabulous place, they’re so lucky to have found this little gem.I know there’s a lot of talk about economic crisis, so it was refreshing to spend time with people who are reevaluating their lifestyle choices in these times and are looking towards the more simple pleasures in life, like growing your own food and enjoying some peace and quiet. One day we found an old apple tree bearing so much fruit, all we had to do was grab a rake and swing at the branches, instantly collecting a sack full of the best apples I’ve ever tasted. Now these apples were little gems, but they looked crazy, all twisty and bumpy with spots on the outside- something you would never find in any store or market anywhere, just aesthetically weird. But to bite into one of these and all of it’s profumed sweetness and tartness made me envy the country life.I’m so excited for my friends as they embark on this new adventure, and I can’t wait to return when they can put me to work hoeing beans or digging holes or putting up fence. In a moden fast paced world where we can all be connected from anywhere to anywhere, it’s nice to remember that sometimes you just need to get your hands dirty to enjoy the simple pleasures and to be reminded that this is really what life is all about: enjoying a little moment of tasty heaven.Like this painting? You can bid on it! Jump in to play the bidding game here on Daily Paintworks.