Philadelphia Alley, Charleston

Philadelphia Alley, Charleston

Philadelphia Alley, Charleston16×12″Oil on Panel(c) Kelly Medford, 2011How could I possibly sum up Charleston in a blog post?! The main things I’ve enjoyed in Charleston are great oysters, the best company, lots of high quality art galleries and the beach- this town has everything to offer and I’ve had a marvelous time.Although I left Rome a month ago, this week was the first chance I had to paint, and I am so happy to get back to it! It’s been pretty overcast and moody here these last few days, so a friend took me to paint this alley and it was the perfect spot and a quiet day. This was the only cityscape I did, the rest of the time I spent painting (and swimming) at the beach or in the marsh, but maybe after getting excited about all of those cityscapes in Rome, this was the more successful of all the paintings and the one I wanted to share with you. Who would have guessed?I’m headed down to Orlando and looking forward to painting there. Maybe I’ll even get to see some gators!Like this painting and want to buy it? Bid on it here at my Daily Paintworks gallery.

  • Anonymous

    September 21, 2011 at 9:40 pm

    Love it!
    -Barney 🙂

  • Kelly Medford

    September 21, 2011 at 10:21 pm

    Thanks Barney- so glad you like it. Have you been to Charleston? It’s such a great town.
    Love hearing from you!