Summer Ingredients

Summer Ingredients

Summer IngredientsOil on Panel6x8″© Kelly Medford, 2011Can you tell that I’m inspired by summer (and that I wish I had a vegetable garden)? Well, I am (and I do). And of course, when living in Italy, the best thing to think about besides ancient Rome and art is food!Making this little painting was such a joy. I purposely chose these colors to make them vibrate against each other, I just find them exciting and bright like summer.Why does the Italian tomoato taste so much better than the American tomato? I’ve asked this question to both Italians and non alike for years and the only answer that most people come up with is either the soil or the variety choice. Personally I like to think it has to do with the sun.Whatever the case may be I’m certainly not missing any opportunity these days to eat my share (and probably yours too) of fresh, warm, ripe Italian tomatoes. They’re divine.Like this painting and want to buy it?You can bid on it here at my Daily Paintworks auction site.