Summer Sun

Summer Sun

Summer SunOil on Linen mounted on Panel8x6″© Kelly Medford, 2011What better gift for a painter to recieve than flowers? Sunflowers!I was excited to jump in and get to painting this sunflower this morning, and boy was my enthusiasm needed, as no one told me you either have to be a highly skilled painter or a madman to paint these puppies.From past experience I knew that flowers move continually while painting them, but this one was really on the go this morning, turning to follow the sun I presume and even dropping a petal along the way.I learned a lot from this painting, namely that with all of those petals in there the best approach is to really squint and to get the overall tone and value of them and their gradations instead of trying to weedle out each individual one. The effect of the sunflower on the human soul is undoubtedly uplifiting- it made my morning staring at this little beauty.Like this painting and want to buy it?You can bid on it here on the Daily Paintworks site.

  • Cindy Michaud

    August 1, 2011 at 8:38 pm

    This is a really different subject for you Kelly, I like! Not overworked and very cheery…

  • Kelly Medford

    August 2, 2011 at 8:25 am

    Thanks Cindy. Who knows, maybe you’ve been have a good effecton me! This was a good challenge. I’ll see what I can comeup with next..