Morning Espresso

Morning Espresso

Good morning folks!In case you haven’t heard, I’ve assigned myself another little project in addition to my When In Rome paintings: making a small painting a day and put it up for bid on a new website called Daily Paintworks. Here is one of my new offerings- hope you’ll like it and get inspired to play the bidding game!Morning Espresso6×8″Oil on Linen mounted on panel© Kelly Medford, 2011SOLDGood morning! This is the only way to start my day in Italy,with a warm, creamy espresso. While having my morning coffee Italian style, I was contemplating what I could set up to paint in my studio this morning, and then it dawned on me, why not my espresso?! It is such a part of Italian life that it seemed too obvious. I love the little cups, saucers and even mini-spoons that all go together to make this big wake-me-up each morning.Like this painting?You can bid on it here at my Daily Paintworks auction page.

1 Comment
  • Kelly Medford

    August 10, 2011 at 7:00 am

    Ha ha! It most certainly did..
    Thanks for your comment Stephen. I liked the white with the pink-red. Any excuse to paint red!