Via Cibele, Quadraro

Via Cibele, Quadraro

Via Cibele, Quadraro10x12″Oil on Panel© Kelly Medford, 2011This neighborhood, quadraro, or better known as “the wasps’ nest” is one of my favorites in Rome. It’s one of my favorites because of the small, brightly colored houses, each with its own garden. It got its name wasps’ nest from the Germans in World War II, who hated this neighborhood becaused it housed many of the partisans fighting a guerilla or popular war against the Nazis and fascist party. It has a small town feel, a sunny quiet place is what can otherwise be a frenetic and noisy town. No one seemed to think it strange at all that I was painting on the street corner, and of course I just couldn’t resist this gorgeous yellow building with it’s awning and vines growing off the terrace: it’s unique Italy and a one-of-a-kind litttle haven in the world. I wouldn’t mind living there myself.

  • Donna Vines

    April 30, 2011 at 2:29 am

    Love this painting, it really captures the essensce of the neighborhood and the colors are wonderful.

  • Kelly Medford

    May 3, 2011 at 10:30 am

    Thank you Donna. Although it’s just a sketch, the idea is to capture the feel of a place. I love this place and many other parts of Rome. I hope that you will follow the project and get to know other spots around Rome as I encouter them..!

  • Carol Schiff Studio

    May 9, 2011 at 12:08 pm

    So thrilled to have found your blog. Rome is one of my favorite cities and I look forward to your adventures there.

    You paint beautifully.

  • Kelly Medford

    May 9, 2011 at 8:55 pm

    Wow, awesome! Thank you Carol and I hope that you will follow along. Rome is gorgeous and there seems to be something new around every corner.
    You can also follow me and my Rome adventures on Facebook..