From the Bedroom Window

From the Bedroom Window

From the Bedroom Window, 10×8″, oil on panelMonday! Who thought I would be complaining about something like Monday (or any day at all really..), I have the most fabulous job in the world, painting Rome.But this morning felt like “Monday.” It was chilly and overcast, looking like rain, so I thought to stay at home and paint here. To tell the truth it’s not the weather that deterred me so much as much as I just felt like relaxing a little and not lugging my (heavy) easel around town. Besides, I love my room and the view into the gardens of varying styles and sizes.It’s quiet and when lunch time comes, you can only imagine the smells that come wafting through my window and inspire me to eat throughout the entire afternoon. Today was the opportunity to do something a little different, which I’m glad I did. It’s always tricky figuring out how to compose a painting from a window here in Italy. Usually the windows are really tall and slender, which is not ususally the kind of canvas I have lying around. I could really spend time and make an entire series just based on different views from the window, as there are always very paintable things like colorful laundry hanging out with the bright blue sky and sunshine slanting across the courtyard. I just haven’t figured out how to compose these things yet, but it could be worth a try.To view or buy today’s painting from my website, click hereTo see other paintings from the When In Rome series, click hereYou can also follow the project and comment on it on my facebook page Thank you for following the project and I love hearing from you, thank you for all of your fabulous ideas, input, support and comments!
