Day 19: Cloudy Evening, Lake Dora

Day 19: Cloudy Evening, Lake Dora

Finishing up at work today, I had for the first time today the thought, “What am I going to paint today?” It was cold (for Florida obviously..), gray and looked like it could rain. My saving grace was that there was no wind. I started driving and went where I seem to go when I’m not sure what to paint: down to the lake in Mt. Dora.I was wondering if I was going to be able to finish this painting, it was so dark already and kind of late, and I still had to wash my brushes from the day before (don’t tell, it’s a baaad habit), so I was not letting myself think about how much time I had.I set to work and was just enjoying the whole hush of this place. On a sunny day there are crowds here. In fact I was on the lawn of the lawn bowling club, but no lawn bowling today, just 2 tourists were all I saw. Then the Barred Owl started calling from just across the lake (you know, the owl that sings, “Who cooks for you”) and I was really thinking I only had a short time. But then the clouds dispersed a little and the orange of the almost setting sun came out and everything changed. The painting just fell into place, and I told myself to just get the big relationships right and then go back and put the subtleties in.I was deep in concentration and all of a sudden WWWOOOOOAAASSSHHHIAAAMM! The sound to break the lovely picturesque romance was two seaplanes landing simultaneously just before my eyes. It was so cool, and it happened just in a split second. They were gone before I even knew what happened.I love being outside, you never know what will just come by if you stand in one place long enough!Today’s painting is a success for me, I’m really happy with the painting and for me it captures this evening on the lake with the blues in the trees and the orange in the sky. And I wasn’t even sure at first that it was a good day for painting. Really, every day is a good day for painting.To buy this painting for $100 (+ $15 shipping) follow this link: see other paintings from the 100 day project click here: share this newsletter with someone, they can either subscribe to have the daily email sent to them at this link or follow along and comment on the blog website at www.kellymedford.blogspot.comAs always, thank you for your fantastic emails and comments, I just love hearing from you. You are all making this project fun and fulfilling.